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Analiese Gregory Cheesecake Hero

Analiese Gregory's Huon Valley Hazelnut Basque Cheesecake

Preparation time
30 minutes
Cooking time
30 minutes -1 hour


500g cream cheese

160g caster sugar

125g hazelnut butter

¼ tsp sea salt

2 eggs

1 egg yolk

260ml cream

7g corn flour


1. For the cheesecake batter: In the bowl of a stand mixer (or by hand if you feel up to it), place the room-temperature cream cheese, salt and sugar. Using the paddle attachment, beat the cheese and sugar till smooth. Then add the eggs,and beat till smooth again.

2. At this stage, add the cream and hazelnut butter and mix it gently but thoroughly so as not to overwork or whip it. Sift the cornflour over the batter and fold through.

3. Heat the oven to 200ºC. Line a 25cm pan or cake tin with paper that extends right up the sides. Pour the mix on top and place in the oven.

4. Cook for approx. 30 mins, or until golden brown on top but still jiggly in the centre. Let cool at room temperature, slice and serve.

Chef's note: When I was living in the Basque country, I developed an obsession for several Spanish sweets, among them, Torrija and Basque cheesecake especially.This is my version I've been working on.

It works well with all acidic fruits such as apricots and citrus, and I've also made a poached quince one with wild fennel seeds on top that was a huge hit.



You can't go past a good stickie wine to go with this dessert - try a late harvest Semillon.

Analiese Gregory
Rémi Chauvin
Preparation Time
30 minutes
Cooking Time
30 minutes -1 hour